Friday, December 25, 2009

I need to cleanse a place of evil, and I would like to make contact with the spirit for it to move on - how?

There is a site near me, which is now owned by a local golf club, which has on it the remains of a very old church. It got destroyed many years ago and now just has the remaining groundings and an old tree there - you can see where the rooms would have been, but thats about it.

A few years ago, when I was about 14 or 15, me and my mum walked the dogs along a pathway that lead to this church. I immediately started crying and it was like my brain went crazy - I could just sense that something wasn't right there. My mum said she had had almost exactly the same experience the first time she had been there, and that a few years back some local witches had done a cleansing there after lots of people in the surrounding area started getting cancer. I knew that with what I was feeling, it obviously hadn't worked. I'm not the only one who has experienced this at that site - anyone sensitive seems to pick up on it.

Apparently local history records show that there was a monk or priest (II need to cleanse a place of evil, and I would like to make contact with the spirit for it to move on - how?
Full moon. Get some salt or unbleached flour. Walk the area, sprinkling salt or flour, saying prayers and blessings, asking forgiveness of the spirits for destroying their space in such a terrible and rude manner. Talk with them. Appreciate their life. Assure them you are not there to harm them.

Some fancy, cute ritual from a coven of witches won't do it. Someone sensitive needs to go it. Someone with a heart.

I can give you a very ancient counter-acting spell to recite as you walk the area. Really, it's ancient. From a book on Sumerian ritual texts. Email me for it.I need to cleanse a place of evil, and I would like to make contact with the spirit for it to move on - how?
Sounds like more than a cleansing needs done. Make offerings to the Tree. Try to communicate with it. Embrace it. Show love.
You can't... because there is no such thing as ghosts or spirits... *sigh* ... I weep for the youth of America who (for the most part) live their lives reacting to life's mysteries with their emotions and not their brains... thanks to Government education and Oprah...

Tax the poor !!!
^Spirits usually stay around for two reasons unfinished business or this may sound silly but they don't know they are dead. You can go back there and gently tell them they are dead to go in peace into the light. Depending on how many spirits there are this could take a while. Good luck, I hope this helps.
Take a friend with you to quietly support you I have been in a trance from contacting and I had a hard time coming out of it.Do as the lady said that has practiced pagan for 22 years.I forgot her name she answered your question,if she has been doing this for that many years she has to be wise,also what she said makes sense.

(Many blessings)
hey... what ever you do.. dont try to comunicate... if its too strong... you could get poses.... if you want.. one way is to make an offering.. like maybe offert it some food...(good foor like roast chicken or duck.... or even maybe wine) for the liquid food... if you do think there is a spirit there??? after the offering.. pour the liquid aroung the tree t the roots...... it may help... if it cant.. send me a message and i will try to help you....
get a medium

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